Thursday, February 28, 2008

Newest cool thing stolperte I on - TiddlyWiki

While from wasting of time investigating on Slashdot the other day, a connection, which was led too different, until I, which is found with the TiddlyWiki site.TiddlyWiki, is a little a Oxymoron by the fact that it is not really for co-operation. Which does it, is permit you, a not linear sentence notes on a HTML page, which are easily drawn up and be interconnected can, as to be caused wiki. It can be printed, copied, or changed.All TiddlyWiki is, is a web page. A very clever, selfdrawing up, web page DHTML made possible. To format (and connections manufacture) a rather simplified price impact system (me requires the text take on that it more is or fewer Standardwiki markup).Save it and you are done. Load it on a sharp drive and you can it with you take. OH- and I mention him are free?To use TiddlyWiki, you fair Download an empty TiddlyWiki HTML page of the TiddlyWiki place of assembly and load him in your data base search routine as local enforceable file.That's it.No, no Zip file. From there it a web page is fair, does not function it on each possible platform, which has modern net data base search routines, including Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Bd and others.TiddlyWiki a pair was caused years before by Jeremy Ruston, thus it not a new thing is. It looks, as if an active group of people supports it.The TiddlyWikiWiki (legends, which chamfered several times), an applicable Wiki, has more information. But the simplest way, to find out is go straight to the place of assembly and to the play with it. They can find it as coolly (and useful) as I.

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